How to Write a More Equitable Job Post: an Illustrated Guide

Equitable Job Post-Final-GFJ-00.jpg

My friends at Good Food Jobs wanted to create a free, shareable, illustrated guide as a starting point for employers to bake equity into their hiring process.

(Read more on the guide's development in Good Food Jobs’ newsletter.)

view the project live on Instagram


I designed it to be first shared on Instagram, and then morph later into a PDF. Because the guide is meant to be ever-evolving, I created a library of painted shapes that can be used over and over again.



Strategic edits to written content; hand-painting & digitizing gouache illustrations in Photoshop; hand-lettering; composing 10 slides in Adobe Illustrator; ongoing learning & integration of antiracism in our work.

This is AWESOME!!!! I’m continually in awe of how your work comes together (from the outside it seems kind of like magic).
— Taylor Cocalis, co-founder, Good Food Jobs

Interested in working with me for your own special project? Let’s start a conversation here.


Gina Lorubbio