Always Make Extras

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This illustration is part of my Collective Food Wisdom series, for which I asked people across different languages and cultures to share a nugget of food wisdom or advice they’ve received that they continue to carry with them in their kitchen, garden, or life. 

This piece comes from Austin, an alumnus from the amazing college called Wayfinding Academy. When he took a class I taught there, he showed me the family cookbook his Nana had assembled—it's full of stories, recipes, and little bits of wisdom just like this one.

What is the most useful piece of food wisdom or advice you have ever received?

Austin: “Always make extras.”

Who gave it to you? 

Austin: My Nana.

How does it show up in your life?

Austin: Our family is a big Armenian family—and we love our food! Food, in a lot of ways, is how our family expresses love.

I spend a lot of time thinking about how we pass on important rituals, tips, and traditions around food.

Historically, it's been the way Austin demonstrated—from grandparent to grandchild. And while I 1,000% still support this kind of teaching and learning, I feel like big changes in lifestyle and cooking habits call for additional tactics.

How do we pass on food culture in our modern world?

To sink your teeth into more Collective Food Wisdom, and perhaps even hang a reminder of it in your own kitchen, head on over to my shop. Sometimes I sell the originals, too, so make sure you're signed up for my monthly inspiration email to be notified next time they go on sale, and you can snag your favorite.